Hey Torrington!
Did you know that we have 6 different voting districts? Because we are covered by 2 CT Reps, 2 CT Senators, and 2 US House of Representatives all with different district lines, we have to have 6 different ballots and 6 voting locations! After the long convention season, it is now time to get to know and meet all the candidates! They are door-knocking and hosting campaign events. Watch our socials and join our mailing list to keep up-to-date on when and where to meet them! Connecticut House of Representatives
63-8-1 Middle School 200 Middle School Dr. District 2 63-30-1 Coe Park 101 Litchfield St. District 3 65-30-1 Torringford School 1 631 Torringford West St. District 4 65-8-1 Torringford School 2 631 Torringford West St. District 5 65-30-5 City Hall 140 Main St. District 6 65-8-5 Armory 153 South Main St. Where to find your Voting District: https://www.torringtonct.org/registrars-office/pages/torrington-polling-district-information Comments are closed.