Position: Board of Education
Name: Edward Corey
Education: Oliver Wolcott Tech ‘11, attended NCCC and CCSU
Occupation: Marketing and paid media consultant
Family: Ed is a 5th generation Torrington resident. From fire marshalls to county sherriffs to UAW Presidents, members of the Corey family have long been involved in Torrington civic life. Ed is the only child of Michelle Corey and one of many grandchildren of the late Edward E Corey.
Community involvement: Democratic Town Committee, Friendly Hands Food Bank volunteer
City positions held: Board of Education, elected 2017
Why he serves: Ed serves on the Board of Ed to continue the transformational work happening in our school district. During the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ed and his colleagues worked together to identify and support the families of district students in need with food, expenses paid internet for at home learning, and more. Continuing to expand services for ELL students, add trade and technical curriculum pathways, and support the transition of students from SPED to regular education are his key priorities in the next term.
Name: Edward Corey
Education: Oliver Wolcott Tech ‘11, attended NCCC and CCSU
Occupation: Marketing and paid media consultant
Family: Ed is a 5th generation Torrington resident. From fire marshalls to county sherriffs to UAW Presidents, members of the Corey family have long been involved in Torrington civic life. Ed is the only child of Michelle Corey and one of many grandchildren of the late Edward E Corey.
Community involvement: Democratic Town Committee, Friendly Hands Food Bank volunteer
City positions held: Board of Education, elected 2017
Why he serves: Ed serves on the Board of Ed to continue the transformational work happening in our school district. During the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ed and his colleagues worked together to identify and support the families of district students in need with food, expenses paid internet for at home learning, and more. Continuing to expand services for ELL students, add trade and technical curriculum pathways, and support the transition of students from SPED to regular education are his key priorities in the next term.