Postion: Deputy Registrar of Voters
Name: William Haygood
Education: Mr. Haygood has a BA degree in History from the University of Wisconsin, Madison
One Year Wood Technics degree from the Madison Area Technical College, Madison Wisconsin
Occupation: Facilities Manager at Five Points Center for the Visual Arts
Why I serve: Bill Haygood has called Torrington home since moving here from New Mexico in 1999. With him he brought a kitbag of experiences and interests which have served him well in his adopted hometown.
As a historian through both academic training and lifelong fascination, Bill’s first focus was to become well acquainted with this cradle of American civilization with its richly embedded history, landscape, people, geography and stories.
Bill brought with him too a longtime vocational involvement in the building trades with a focus on historic preservation and on sustainable building practices. Of course, the greenest building is usually the one which is already here. Hence, history, building, and sustainability are naturally allied civic concerns.
Several other fields of interest and expertise have also dovetailed well with Bill’s bent for community involvement.:
First, from Santa Fe Bill brought a deep engagement with the arts as promoter, curator and collector. Torrington has, of course, a strong history of support for the creative arts which has become an increasingly vital component of our city’s lifeblood. Bill has been very much at the heart of this burgeoning renaissance.
Second, among these other varied commitments Bill has been actively involved in the addiction treatment world. In recovery himself since 1981, he spent 12 years as a professional in the field and remains an active supporter of the local recovery community.
Lastly, as a proud US Army veteran, Bill has always been concerned with the welfare of his brothers and sisters in service now and past.
One way or another we are all doing our part to make Torrington an economically and socially vibrant home in which we can all take pride. Bill Haygood is privileged to be part of that effort.
Community Involvement:
- The Torrington Arts and Culture Commission
- Preservation Torrington
- The Torrington Historical Society
- Main Street Torrington